MLB Player Stats 2025

This MLB Player Stats page shows all the current leaders in different pro baseball statistics. You can easily flip back between the last few years to see who has led the league in stats such as hits and strikeouts. Anyone on this page can flip through leaders in both the National League, American League, or MLB as a whole. Clicking between the leaders, pitching, and batting dropdown will take you to the hub of all stats. If you're playing DFS, follow our MLB starting lineups and download our MLB DFS projections.

On this page, you can take a deeper dive into pitching and hitting stats and begin to break down splits against factors such as home and away performances. The leaders page is updated each day to give you a glimpse of who is currently leading the league in various statistics.

No data is available for the 2025 season yet.

Displaying data from the 2024 season instead.

MLB Player Stats Fact Sheet

Qualified Innings Pitched & Plate Appearances

If you are wondering why a player who is hitting .340 or has a 1.50 ERA, but is not listed among leaders, that is because leaders are selected from only a qualified field. In order to qualify for awards and also show up on leaderboards, a player needs to average over three plate appearances per game, which is just a shade over 500 plate appearances. For starting pitchers, you must throw one inning per scheduled team game, so that is going to come out to 162 innings.

This is done so that it separates pitchers and hitters that have played a more meaningful amount of games. If a hitter hits .370 in the span of 50 games, it's different from hitting .330 over the span of 100. The same goes for starting pitchers if they throw just 92 innings over a season and end up leading the league in ERA. When we look at ERA title and batting title winners at the end of the season, we want individuals who have played a majority of the year.

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